Friday, April 1, 2016 / by Rick Kendrick
HomeWard Bound Newsletter April 2016
I recently read where we were working Jan. 1 through June 30th of each year, just to pay all of our taxes. After that, you keep all you make. Prior to that, 100% goes to the government in some form or fashion to pay for some kind of government worker, work program, social program, defense, project, health care, common good, common bad, etc. Whatever you want to call it, April 15th is TAX day; the deadline for filing your federal income taxes in the U.S.A. So in celebration of this special day, let’s talk TAX relief. If you received last month’s letter from me, you will recall our goal of trying to raise $10,000.00 for Little Smiles. But – we need your help and I believe you can benefit from the TAX relief as well.
In our area, Little Smiles helps kids fighting for their lives. For them and their parents taxes are not “top of mind”, health is. Living is. Surviving is. As you may have heard, Little Smiles is front and center in putting smiles of the faces of sick children. We are thankful to have such a wonderful group close by, doing such great work to help young people.
So even though we are trying to figure out how much we owe the tax man, many are simply hoping they can be here to actually pay taxes. This is why we here at the Rick Kendrick Team have resolved to do what we can to help.
For every referral we sell this year, we are donating a portion of our income to Little Smiles. Our goal, again, is to raise $10,000 to help them in their quest to Comfort Children.
This is where we need your help and how you can benefit at the same time…
Click here to view the Full Newsletter
I want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options: go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move. Of course you can always call The Rick Kendrick Home Selling Team direct as well at 561-702-4782.