Monday, June 1, 2020 / by Karey Kendrick
HomeWard Bound Monthly Newsletter June 2020
Happy Birthday... Donald?
You guessed it right, June is President Donald Trump’s Birthday Month.
BUT why would I mention this to YOU?
Well, since you have been kind enough to be a part of our business, I wanted to take the opportunity to give YOU a gift on Donald Trump's birthday. I am sure President Trump doesn't mind. He seems to have plenty of stuff, so I'd like to celebrate his birthday by giving you (and those you know), TWO very special gifts!
Yes, TWO gifts.
Gift #1 Love Your Home, Guaranteed, at We'll Sell It for FREE*
Yes, this is one of the many guarantees we are known for. And you will know that whether it's a super awesome real estate market or a housing recession, we have not wavered from this guarantee. The peace of mind from a guarantee like this is a fantastic gift. I can think of none better.
My team and I are committed to results. In fact, Results Oriented is one of our core values. For years people have been coming to us when they want to buy or sell a home. We look forward to many more years of Guaranteed Results for area homeowners.
Gift #2… Donations to Little Smiles on Your Behalf
Little Smiles is a volunteer organization that provides toys, games, DVD’s, computers, VIP outings, celebrity meet & greets, concerts, sporting event tickets, theme park tickets, junk food runs & much much more... for children in local hospitals, hospices and shelters throughout South Florida.
The Dad’s with kids being treated at area hospitals most likely are NOT thinking about their special day this month. They are simply just being “Dad” doing what a real loving Dad does. God bless them for it.
Your referrals help the kids…You may know someone considering buying or selling a home. If so, please refer them to our team. Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well.
Just give me a call or pass on my number 561-702-4782.
Thank you for giving this some thought.
A core value at our company is “the size of the hole you give through is directly proportionate to the size of the hole you receive through.”
As part of our Go Serve Big Mission, we proudly give back to those on our community who need help the most. In this case, the amazing kids with amazing Mom’s at Little Smiles.
Over the years of helping hundreds of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people.
People like you! So your referrals can rest assured that not only will they get the award-winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a portion of the income we receive will go toward a very worthy cause.